Holy Shenanigans, I’m thinking what would happen now if I were to write the Concerning Hobbits section for LOTR. I would completely disgrace the book with my shameless admiration of these pitiful creatures. Oh, but they are amazing.

You might think it strange that I am fascinated by hobbits (or you completely understand, in which case you’ll be nodding your head throughout this whole spiel). But let’s take an analytical glance at these tiny beings.

From a purely biological viewpoint, hobbits are some type of man. This implies that they will participate in the second song of the Ainur along with the other Secondborn of Iluvatar. They share in the gift of men (death), but their lifespan is extended while their stature is diminished. It is not explicitly explained how hobbits came into the realm of Eregion, but all that is not important and only interesting to LOTR nerds like myself.

What really makes hobbits so unique is their lifestyle and desires. “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.” They live comfortably. Why? Because they desire peace and simple happiness.

They eat two breakfasts. Seven meals a day total. Why? Because that makes them happy and they don’t care about being fat. (They also don’t seem to suffer from sicknesses that come from obesity, probably because almost all the food they eat is home-grown vegetables and fresh-caught meat. Not to mention their obsession with mushrooms)

They have practically no government. Why? Because they’re libertarians! (Oh, I don’t want this to get too political so I won’t talk about the politics of the Scouring of the Shire) The Shire is “ruled” by the Thain, a hereditary title bestowed upon the Shire’s leader (Pippin became the Thain at the end of the Return of the King). The Thain’s actual function is unclear, but he does have something to do with the defense of the Shire. The Shiriffs keep the peace, but it seems that the appeal for the job is to travel and to get to know everyone. There’s not much need for them to be concerned about crime, because hobbits are sensible folk. They stick to what is good, and when the Shire did fall into bad times and needed saving, the hobbits got up and saved it, even if they needed a bit of convincing from more adventurous people.

They sit around and smoke. Now, aside from the health factors of smoking, I like to focus on the sitting around part. The smoking is just a type of pleasure accompanying the sitting. At the end of their simple day, they want to reminisce on a good day’s work, a life simply lived, and whatever the frack their plans are for the future (excuse my Caprican). 
So if you cared to look at the title of this site, you’ve seen that it’s a mash-up of Doctor Who and LOTR, my personal two favorite fandoms. Of those, I like LOTR more.

Now that I’m going to be writing about it, I feel obliged to give you fair warning before you’re struck by glittering praise of this story. Tolkien is my absolute inspiration when I write and I wear an official replica of the Ring of Power around my neck each day. LOTR can get me in my happy place every time (just like Leonard Nimoy singing the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. If you haven’t seen that video, where have you been? Go on youtube and look it up now).

So what am I trying to say by all this? Well, you’re entitled to your own opinion… you have every right to think I’m obsessed (I actually think obsession is a good thing, but I’ll save that for another time)… and you might think every topic I talk about concerning LOTR is infinitely overly weighted in its favor… but I have good reason for all of it and I dearly hope you’ll come to see it as the awe-inspiring work of art that I do.

Since this is the first post on this blog, I’ll just explain how this’ll work. I’m going to post some essays about different books that I find interesting. That’s about it. Have a nice day!

    There are
    for every story I talk about
    -you have been warned

    W. C. C. Harris

    An unsocialized homeschooled nerd who appreciates art which has for some reason, been labeled "nerdy" by general consensus.


    September 2013
    August 2013
    July 2013

